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Releases: uPortal-Project/uPortal

uPortal 5.5.0

14 Mar 18:04
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Release Notes

Announcing uPortal 5.5.0 -- a new minor release of the leading open source enterprise portal framework built by and for higher education institutions, K-12 schools and research communities.

This release includes several exciting new features -- including index-based search and new options for navigation -- as well as several fixes and enhancements to existing functionality.

The uPortal Community would like to say a big Thank You to the folks who contributed code changes toward this release, as well as to everyone who contributed in any way.

Exciting Development: The number of French 🇫🇷 community members who made code contributions to this release is equal to the number of non-French members!

List of Changes Since uPortal 5.4.2

New Features

  • Add a search index for portal content (portlet metadata and some content w/in portlets) and update the search REST API to use it (#1598)
  • Add an option for a Direct URL to the portlet options menu (#1599)
  • Added query string parameter type to the REST API for search; when specified, the API will only return search hits that match the type (#1550)
  • Allow the Hamburger Menu strategy to be used for the main navigation (in lieu of tabs) on any size display -- xs, sm, md, lg, or all of them (#1537)
  • Add a new REST API (/v5-5/assignments/users/{username}) to PermissionsRESTController that returns permissions assignments based on a username (#1504)
  • Provide secure server-to-server access to uPortal REST APIs through two-legged OAuth (#1503)

Other Fixes

uPortal 5.4.1

18 Jan 00:09
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Release Notes

This is a patch release on the uPortal 5.4.x line. It provides some important updates to polyfill support for Web Components, especially for the sake of working in IE.


  • Fix an issue with PortletsRESTController.getRenderedPortlet() (the /v4-3/portlet/{fname}.html API) that prevented several portlets from rendering properly
  • Update core js bundle (Web Components support) to beta 8, which includes several important fixes for IE11
  • Several more updates to dependency versions, including the Spring Framework, Spring Security, aws-java-sdk, Jackson, JAXB, Groovy, and Gradle.

uPortal 5.4.0

20 Dec 22:00
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Release Notes

Announcing uPortal 5.4.0 -- a new minor release of the leading open source enterprise portal framework built by and for higher education institutions, K-12 schools and research communities.

This release includes some new features, as well as several fixes and enhancements to existing functionality.

The uPortal Community would like to say a big Thank You to the folks who contributed code changes toward this release, as well as to everyone who contributed in any way.

Update Notes

** Important Note! ** Avoid the ThemeNameEqualsIgnoreCaseTester in your PAGS configuration, which has been deprecated with this release. (See Other Fixes below.) This class has been demonstrated to cause severe but intermittent display issues with the guest user (missing skin).

uPortal-start has been updated to discontinue the use of ThemeNameEqualsIgnoreCaseTester, but previous to uPortal 5.4 it was used in the respondr-lo layout fragment in the quickstart data set. If your data set was originally based on quickstart, you may be using ThemeNameEqualsIgnoreCaseTester in your PAGS configuration.

New Features

  • Support session-less access to uPortal REST APIs based on the Authorization header (OIDC Id token)
  • Add support for narrowing groups and/or custom claims info within OIDC tokens using query string parameters
  • Allow regions to contain child <folder> elements (nested structures), instead of merely a flat collection of <channel> elements
  • Add a CacheManagementController that allows a portal admin to clear caches by REST API
  • Include the whatwg fetch polyfill in Respondr skins
  • Use bundle Web Components polyfills instead of loader to fix url construction and network issues when run on IE
  • Update support for Google Custom Search to reflect API changes
  • Extract favicon path as a property to support customizing it without modifying it in the XSL
  • Add support for ranked search results to the uPortal portlet event-based search integration API

Other Fixes

  • Deprecate the ThemeNameEqualsIgnoreCaseTester and provide a more specific warning (it should be avoided)
  • Removed a stray curly brace (}) in uPortal-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/Invoker/login.jsp
  • Fix a mismatch in JDBC code when new users are provisioned
  • Update PortalRootPersonAttributeDao to calculate a missing username attribute in a way that works for both logins & searches
  • Troubleshoot some small bugs in the SmartLDAP Group Store
  • Fix support for the SkinMappingTransformerConfigurationSource
  • Modernize the configuration & construction of several (Spring) beans in the Import/Export subsystem
  • Apply bootstrap conventions and use existing variables to manage z-index in CSS
  • Add documentation for Tincan API integration
  • Fix code example(s) in the Soffit documentation
  • Integrate Renovate into the project on GitHub for (semi-) automated dependency updates
  • Plus dozens of dependency updates

uPortal 5.3.2

25 Oct 21:18
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Release Notes

This is a patch release on the uPortal 5.3.x line. Primarily it updates and improves polyfill support for Web Components.


  • Remove the promise polyfill (superseded by core-js) as well as the template polyfill (superseded by webcomponentjs)
  • Use webcomponents-bundle (polyfills) instead of webcomponents-loader because the latter can run into url-construction and network issues on IE
  • Update (and fix) support for Google Custom Search

uPortal 5.3.1

15 Oct 18:00
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Release Notes

This is a patch release on the uPortal 5.3.x line. It fixes a small number of thorny issues that were introduced by changes that went into 5.3.0.


  • Removed a stray curly brace from login.jsp, which was interfering with authentication via CAS, Shibboleth, etc.
  • Set the default value of portal.allServerNames (new property in 5.3.x) to ${portal.server}, fixing another issue with authentication via CAS, Shibboleth, etc.
  • Fixed an issue in JDBC code when new users are provisioned

uPortal 5.3.0

09 Oct 18:28
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Release Notes

Announcing version 5.3.0 -- the latest minor release of uPortal, the leading open source enterprise portal framework built by and for higher education institutions, K-12 schools and research communities.

This release includes some new features, as well as several fixes and enhancements to existing functionality.

The uPortal Community would like to say a big Thank You to the folks who contributed code changes toward the 5.3.0 release, as well as to everyone who contributed in any way.

Update Notes

Important! ⚠️ This update removes the (vestigial) concept of a Template User in uPortal. As a consequence of this change, there are required changes to some files in uPortal-start/data/. Those changes will be made by the community in the master branch of the Jasig/uPortal-start repo on GitHub, but if you have a preexisting copy of uPortal-start, you may need to manage some of these changes yourself.

Starting with version 5.3.0, entity files with a <template-user> root element will be ignored by Import operations. The presence of these files in the uPortal-start/data/ directory will not cause problems -- per se -- but the user accounts they define will not be imported. If -- for example -- you have a defaultTemplateUser.user.xml file, a defaultTemplateUser.layout.xml file, a defaultTemplateUser_default.profile.xml file, and a defaultTemplateUser_respondr.profile.xml file, the first of these will be ignored and any of the remaining three will cause the dataInit task to fail. (NOTE: This example precisely matches the default setup in uPortal-start prior to 5.3.0.)

On the other hand, the same three files (defaultTemplateUser.layout.xml, defaultTemplateUser_default.profile.xml, anddefaultTemplateUser_respondr.profile.xml) will not cause errors if imported into a preexisting, non-empty uPortal database. (viz. because the defaultTemplateUser account already exists.)

Also for version 5.3.0, the system.layout.xml file must be imported. This file was not provided with uPortal-start prior to 5.3.0, but can now be found in the data/base/ directory in the master branch of the Jasig/uPortal-start repo on GitHub.

New Features

  • Add a property indicating whether a portlet has been favorited by the current user to the JSON returned by the /api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json REST API
  • Add core.js and regenerator runtime polyfills to the base Respondr skin, bringing support for JavaScript components in the portal up to ES6
  • Remove the concept of a 'template user' from uPortal (see Update Notes)
  • Remove the Print option from portlet chrome
  • Provide support for running a single uPortal service on several server names with CAS authentication
  • Add a "health check" endpoint to facilitate deployment on cloud-based infrastructure
  • Providing a PAGS tester that evaluates whether a user has an attribute (at all)

Other Fixes

  • Add the org.apereo.portal.portlets.permissionsadmin package to the component-scan inside flowsContext.xml to make the PermissionAdministrationHelper available
  • Resolve portlet import errors caused by Hibernate mappings when using uPortal 5 with Oracle 12
  • Make footer sitemap component more resilient to anomalies in the data
  • Fix issues with Oracle 12 and the length of some text-containing columns
  • Fix character encoding on form submit based on org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
  • Fix an unused configurable property for SmartLdapGroupStore
  • Fix a JGroups/database connection settings issue
  • Add nested projects option to Eclipse users' guide in the uPortal Manual
  • Refactor & tidy up the default PersonManager bean
  • Prune some unused code
  • Remove the @Deprecated ExtendedPersonManager class
  • Updates to several dependencies

uPortal 5.2.3

22 Sep 14:36
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  • Resolved portlet import issues when using Oracle 12 database (#1323)
  • Correctly use groupTreeSeparator option in Smart Ldap Group Store (#1314)
  • Resolve stack overflow error running web components in IE11 (#1317)

Other Updates

  • Unit test updates (#1316)
  • Update gradle to version 4.10 (#1324)
  • Update spring fox swagger to version 2.9.2 (#1313)
  • Update groovy to version 2.5.2 (#1312)
  • Update easymock to version 3.6 (#1311)
  • Update Node.js to version 10.9.0 (#1310)
  • Update AWS Java SDK to version 1.11.390 (#1309)

uPortal 5.2.2

10 Aug 22:03
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  • Rename database connection settings used by jGroups in order to avoid conflicts (#1306 ).

Other Updates

uPortal 5.2.1

06 Aug 22:12
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  • Allow Hibernate to choose column type for preference name and value, instead of setting clob type, fixing MS SQL (#1296).


  • Update Joda time to version 2.10 (#1299)
  • Update AWS SDK to version 1.11.380 (#1298).
  • Update embedded Node.js version to 10.8.0 (#1297)

uPortal 5.2.0

03 Aug 20:03
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uPortal 5.2 marks the transition point moving from the Jira issue tracker to the GitHub issue tracker. Please discuss issues on the uPortal-user mailing list and direct issue reports to the GitHub issue tracker.

uPortal 5.2 has added category and favorite filtering to the portlet registry, enabling new display strategies for the uPortal UI.

uPortal 5.2 fixed an issue with OIDC tokens ensuring that multi-valued custom claims are returned correctly.

uPortal 5.2 include several significant library updates bringing new fixes to uPortal core.

Important Note ⚠️

uPortal 5.2.0 fixes a bug in the OIDC Token (the /userinfo REST API) where custom claims with multi-valued attributes were not represented correctly in the JWT. This API is very new (first seen in version 5.1), but if you're using this API already and you're passing custom claims in the Id Token, you will need to update your code to match the changes in the JWT.

The value(s) of custom claims are now JSON arrays.

Before the Change

  "iss": "http://localhost:8080/uPortal",
  "sub": "admin",
  "aud": "http://localhost:8080/uPortal",
  "exp": 1533358725,
  "iat": 1533326325,
  "name": "Amy Administrator",
  "given_name": "Amy",
  "family_name": "Administrator",
  "email": "",
  "phone_number": "(555) 555-5555",
  "groups": [
    "Portal Administrators"
  "myCustomClaim": "mySpecialValue"

After the Change

  "iss": "http://localhost:8080/uPortal",
  "sub": "admin",
  "aud": "http://localhost:8080/uPortal",
  "exp": 1533358725,
  "iat": 1533326325,
  "name": "Amy Administrator",
  "given_name": "Amy",
  "family_name": "Administrator",
  "email": "",
  "phone_number": "(555) 555-5555",
  "groups": [
    "Portal Administrators"
  "myCustomClaim": [